
  • Walk yourself happier: 7 ways in which walking can help your mental health

    Pause for a minute. Imagine that you’re in a wood. It’s quite light and open, with space between the trees……those beautiful, spreading oak trees, with great branches like arms that reach out as if to enfold you in a safe embrace. The sun filters through the leaves, dappling the ground below, and playing on your…

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  • 10 Stress Management tips: go easy on yourself with some simple ideas

    Getting stressed about stress management? Searching online for ‘stress management’ brings up A LOT of advice and tips. Sometimes in itself that can be stress-inducing – “Oh bloody hell all the things I should be doing / need to do before I’ll feel better!” – which can add to the sense of pressure we feel.…

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  • Permission to be wobbly

    In telling yourself something isn’t worth getting upset about, there’s an implicit message that by being upset, there’s something wrong with you.

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  • Therapist heal thyself

    Therapist heal thyself

    Historic patterns are always there to trip us up – even when it comes to self-care. Sometimes ‘getting it right’ means just giving it our best guess.

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  • Why can’t we let ourselves be sad?

    Listening to the inner critic. I had a conversation with a friend around New Year. We had both had periods during the festive season where we had been feeling sad in some way. Sad – what a lot that word contains. My friend used the words ‘sensitive’, ‘spiky’. My memory is of a mood of…

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  • Drop the resolutions

    Lightening the load as a new year arrives Some months ago I watched an interview with Shawn Achor, a positive psychology specialist, during an online conference about building resilience. One of his tips was around New Year’s resolutions. Instead of setting yourself resolutions, he suggested, ask yourself “What are 3 positive things I achieved last…

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